Clinical Academy
See what top licensed practitioners, registered nurses, and medical professionals are using to increase their business and expand their impact in the industry. NHLMA Clinical Academy training offers exclusive opportunities to expand your business by implementing strategic techniques and ideas, providing the tools to help your client in various circumstances. This course will encompass all aspects of the hair growth and hair loss process, the most common causes, cutting edge treatments in prevention & insider information on restoration.
This program offers hands-on practical demonstrations of identifying hair loss. Gain the knowledge to clinically treat hair. Receive marketing support to promote your new recovery program as you implement services. NHL will not only help you grow business, but also will help you be a leading hair loss specialist in your region.
See what top licensed practitioners, registered nurses, and medical professionals are using to increase their business and expand their impact in the industry. NHLMA Clinical Academy training offers exclusive opportunities to expand your business by implementing strategic techniques and ideas, providing the tools to help your client in various circumstances. This course will encompass all aspects of the hair growth and hair loss process, the most common causes, cutting edge treatments in prevention & insider information on restoration.
This program offers hands-on practical demonstrations of identifying hair loss. Gain the knowledge to clinically treat hair. Receive marketing support to promote your new recovery program as you implement services. NHL will not only help you grow business, but also will help you be a leading hair loss specialist in your region.
See what top licensed practitioners, registered nurses, and medical professionals are using to increase their business and expand their impact in the industry. NHLMA Clinical Academy training offers exclusive opportunities to expand your business by implementing strategic techniques and ideas, providing the tools to help your client in various circumstances. This course will encompass all aspects of the hair growth and hair loss process, the most common causes, cutting edge treatments in prevention & insider information on restoration.
This program offers hands-on practical demonstrations of identifying hair loss. Gain the knowledge to clinically treat hair. Receive marketing support to promote your new recovery program as you implement services. NHL will not only help you grow business, but also will help you be a leading hair loss specialist in your region.
“I need to thank you and your staff for the incredible hospitality and the large amount of information that I received when I flew in for my 2 day training. I was truly impressed with your organization and the efficiency of the entire process.”
Included in the course:
Medical intervention
Hair follicle assessment
Heavy metal testing
PR+P, Exo+, Micro-Needling
Different forms of alopecia
Prevention programs + hair loss
At home boosters
Cancer/Oncology related hair loss
Extend(sion) recovery programs
Faux bangs, pony tails, and trending faux hair
Immune hair testing
Hair skin and nails testing
Vegan hair testing
Customized hair care
Scalp detoxes
Latest market trends in semi permanent concealing
Exosome facial
NHLMA products
Photo tracking (Virtual/In Office templates)
How to Track Digital Programs
How To Create Monthly Social Media Calendar
How To Compose Engaging Blog Posts
Build Your Business Through Social Media, SEO all published content, and be found online
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