Can inflammation cause hair loss?

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Inflammation of the scalp and follicles can cause a host of hair issues from heightened hair shedding, increased scalp sensitivity and slow hair growth.


Many have heard of inflammation when it comes to their health, and it is largely accepted to be a hindrance to optimal wellbeing. However, the repercussions of inflammation on hair, skin and nails is not often emphasized. Inflammation, both internal and external, can cause a host of hair issues from heightened shedding, increased scalp sensitivity and slow hair growth. How can this be identified and treated?

Identifying Inflammation

Microscopic evaluations allow us to see if a person has localized or diffuse inflammation and through a series of questions we can often figure out causes of inflammation. At times, inflammation is not always seen on the surface but can be the driving force behind a person’s autoimmune induced hair loss like alopecia areata or scarring alopecia. 

The below photo is an example of a client who presented with extreme scalp inflammation due to psoriasis. This inflammation was stunting her hair growth as it raged out of control. As we got her on a personalized hair recovery routine, over the course of a year we were able to see a substantial lessening of inflammation and reversal of miniaturized follicles. The client no longer has a tight, itchy scalp from her Psoriasis and we are continuing to see progress in her hair growth.

Scalp scope images taken at NHLMA complimentary consultation

Scalp scope images taken at NHLMA complimentary consultation

Wondering how to identify inflammation internally or externally? Speak with a professional about receiving a microscopic evaluation of concerned areas, or have an internal wellbeing follicle analysis to determine underlying issues.


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