Shock Shedding, Stress Induced, and Autoimmune Hair Loss
Autoimmune Hair Loss – What Is It?
A common culprit behind hair loss is autoimmune disease, affecting more than 15 million Americans to date. It is characterized by patches or complete hair loss from the scalp, or any hair bearing area. The cause? An immune system that attacks areas of the body that produce hair to preserve energy.
For more on this type of hair loss and to schedule a complimentary hair evaluation, contact an NHLMA Representative.
Shock shedding, stress induced hair loss, and you.
It comes as no surprise that stress can do a number on our health. But when it comes to hair loss, many are surprised to find that months after life stressors such as illness, emotional trauma, strict dieting, pregnancy, surgery, or more, vast amounts of shedding lead to depleted hair volume and strength.
Telogen Effluvium, or hair loss caused by excessive shedding, is temporary and reversible to proper care.
For more on this type of hair loss and to schedule a complimentary hair evaluation, contact an NHLMA Representative.